1. Drill a hole with a hole cutter (diameter: 120mm) at the
intended location into the plasterboard.
2. Screw the luminaire module on the same substructure
as the plasterboard. Finish the joints cleanly and neatly
and use a filler which is elastic enough.
3. Ground and apply the paint on the luminaire.
4. The illuminant is not suitable for outside! –IP 20
CAUTION: With this type of luminaire sidelight occures in the area of
the filling. Therefore the filling has to be elaborated in according
1. Srew the construction board on the substructure of the
plasterboard ceiling.
2. Mount the plasterboard firmly on the substructure. Fix
the plaster module on the construction board.
3. Fill joints cleanly and neatly by using a fabric tape.
Ground and apply the paint on the plaster module.